A Review of The Book of Mormon
This blog is built on the advice that Paul gives the ancient Saints in Philippians:
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Philippians 4: 8
I have found that the Book of Mormon fits this description perfectly, and like the Bible, I believe that The Book of Mormon is also from God.
The goal of The Book of Mormon, as found on the title page, is “to the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God”. It is a companion to the Bible, and it has brought me closer to Jesus Christ. It has encouraged me to subdue my natural carnal and selfish instincts and helped me to refine my character by teaching me more about Jesus. This book helps me to love God and others better.
The Book of Mormon is a compilation of records (like the Bible, but not replacing the Bible). It is ancient scripture written by prophets. This record is from a civilization in the Americas spanning several hundred years, and it also includes a visit from Jesus Christ after his resurrection. It is a second witness of Jesus Christ.
Mormon was an ancient prophet historian who compiled and condensed the records, with the goal of pointing the reader to Jesus Christ. He chronicles the history, inspiring happenings, and eventual downfall of two different civilizations, brought about from pride, selfishness, and turning away from God. It is both inspiring and a warning at the same time.
This record was hidden away, and then eventually, God and His Son Jesus Christ appeared to, and worked through Joseph Smith to bring back the original church of Christ. Joseph was also visited by an angel and given access to Mormon’s record . He was told to translate it into English and print it, making it available to the world. The story of Joseph Smith restoring the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the translation of The Book of Mormon is a pretty incredible tale. It can be a lot to swallow and hard to believe. It can be controversial at times, and I totally get why.
But here’s the thing: I believe in this book and I love it. I believe it because I believe in a God of miracles, a God that I do not totally comprehend. (If my tiny brain did comprehend Him, He would be a pretty pitiful God!) I believe it because of the changes in myself that it encourages me to make. I feel the Holy Spirit when I read it, and I am a better person when I follow it’s teachings.
I believe in a lot of things that I do not understand. A virgin birth. Healings that don’t have any other answer. The feeding of thousands with a few loaves and fishes. Water turning into wine, walking on water, and bringing people back from the dead. I believe that God’s Son became a man, that He set an example on how to live, and died for everyone’s sins, if they would accept this gift that required the death of a God. I believe that He rose on the third day, and that because of Him, I will one day rise too, being clean of my sins and weaknesses. All in all, God and angels working through a modern prophet, and giving him an ancient record to translate, which resulted in his eventual death because he refused to deny it, is not outside of the realm of possibility for a believer like me.
But more than that, I have followed what one of the prophets in this book asks us to do: read The Book of Mormon and pray about it- ask God if it is true. I have read it multiple times and I have asked multiple times. The Spirit always verifies to me that it is good and true. When I read it, I love God more. I treat those around me better. I feel better about myself, and I make better choices.
The official name of our church is “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints”, rather than the nickname “Mormons”. Yes, it is a mouthful! But is also explains who we are and Who we believe in. To date, over 200 million copies have been printed, in over 113 languages.
If you have any questions about The Book of Mormon, I would love to have a respectful conversation with you. I invite you to read this book for yourself. You can find a digital copy here, or if you prefer, you can get a printed version here.