Lift: Different Ways of Serving
“What if your neighbor asked you to take 20 minutes one night to help him? Would you do it? Most decent people would. But what if he asked you every night following, with no end in sight? Would you be willing to do it?”

Those words are the opening lines of this video. This is the true story of a group of men who are going on 7+ years of helping a woman in their community every. single. day. I love the honesty of this video–the resentment at first, the burden, and eventually the change in attitude. Could you help your neighbor every single day for years with no end in sight? Find out why these men continue lifting Kathy, and how Kathy lifts them.
So good!!
-Do you agree or disagree with the decision Kathy’s husband made?
-How did these men feel at the beginning of the process?
-How did they feel at the end?
-What made the difference?
-How did Kathy help them?
-Is service ever convenient?
-What would the world be like if no one lived this way or if everyone lived this way?
-Who can we help outside our family? What about inside our family?
Tell me in the comments!
Have you seen something similar happen in your community?