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Standin’ Tall: Audios and Coloring Books for Children

Who grew up with the Standin’ Tall series? Raise your hand! (Jessee and I did, and so did my husband.)

These are oldies, but goodies. I totally remember going to bed at night and having my mom turn on one of these stories for me to listen to as I went to sleep.  These short audio stories, written by Janeen Brady, help kids use their imagination, learn about a value (such as cleanliness, service, gratitude, etc.), learn fun songs, and even practice reciting lines from the story as if they were the main character.

My personal favorite back in the day was about Captain Dependable, his undoing from being around Procrastin-ite, and his return to his better self.  My 4-year-old son’s favorite story is about the Scrub-its, who help kids remember to wash, brush their teeth and take care of their body.

These easy to understand stories with catchy songs and fun, imaginative friends may just be a staple for the next generation in our family!

*Edited to add: All products are now in a digital format and are not longer available as physical products*

Did you grow up with these?  Which story was your favorite?

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  1. I’d never heard of these. They look great! I loved the value tales, but I believe they’re out of print 🙁

    1. Say it ain’t so! Those were on my list to get for my kids and review. I love those books! 🙁

    1. Thank you, Karina! This was one of the first posts I wrote, and I as I look back, I can see that I didn’t give as much information as I should have. Thanks for helping us all out!

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