Raise Kids Who Love Good and Do Good.
Learn about resources that focus on character building, education, real life heroes, and uplifting media. Reinforce your values in a way that won’t take a ton of time or energy.
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“The days are long, but the years are short” ~Gretchen Rubin
Changing the world through how we raise our kids.
Every day, it seems like the world gets crazier, and we worry about our kids growing up in it. Wars, political infighting, and natural disasters are now a constant in our lives. Added to all of that, pop culture targets our kids and often glorifies destructive behavior- it is a very powerful teacher.
But we have more power than we may realize. We can turn the tide of the world by being deliberate about what happens in our homes. We can help educate our children’s desires by teaching them to love good things, work hard, and value learning. We have the ability to create the culture of our home; to decide what comes into it and what does not.
We become what we consume. Let’s give our kids the best of education and entertainment.
When we deliberately tend to our children’s education, teach values, carefully choose what comes into our home, and use downtime wisely, our children will learn more. Their hearts will be touched more. They will be better prepared for the future. And then… not only do we become our children’s best asset and prepare them to be successful adults, but we also enable them to become a powerful force for good in the world and make it a better place.
Imagine a world where children who are taught self sacrifice, honesty, service and hard work grow into adults. Imagine how they will change politics, business and entertainment. Imagine how they will treat our natural resources. Most importantly, imagine how they will treat others. This is how parents can change the world- by raising kids who are counter culture. Join me, as we raise our children deliberately, together.
Aristotle said, “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.”
I show parents how to educate the
Hearts AND Minds
of their Children.
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"Children are great imitators; give them something great to imitate."
Meet Jen
Welcome to Raise The Good, where we raise kids to be more than popular culture expects them to be, place education at a premium, deliberately shape family culture, and use uplifting media as a tool to encourage our family values.
A few of my favorite things:
Caramel Apples
Clean Romance
Self Development
Free “Media that Matters” Course
5 ways in 5 days to deliberately use media to inspire, educate, and teach character.