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Angel Studios: Shows That Amplify Light

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Angel Studios is family owned business that produces and distributes movies and tv shows that are more than entertainment. They educate, build character, and as their mission statement says, they share stories that “amplify light”. Have you ever heard of “The Chosen”? Angel helped get them up and running. And there is plenty more where that came from!

Several of their movies have profoundly moved me. Though they have fictional offerings, I especially enjoy their movies about real heroes, who do amazing things out their love of God and other people. These people inspire me to live my own life more deliberately, to be more brave and to be ok with discomfort and/or disapproval from others.

Angel Studios has many shows for free, but in my opinion, their best work is part of their membership called the “Angel Guild”. Though I enjoy free things as much as the next person, I also want to vote with my dollars to send Hollywood a message about the type of movies I want to see more of, and have my money support projects that are GOOD for the world, and make it a better place.

As part of the Angel Guild, I get to vote for projects that I would like to see funded, and I also have access to their entire library of shows. Here are some of my favorites that I have seen so far. As a Guild member, I get to share links with you, so you can view them for FREE! I hope you will check them out!

My Favorites:

  • Bonhoeffer
    • Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German Lutheran pastor who recognized the evil that was happening in Germany before and during WWII. He fought Nazism (through preaching, spying, and even an assassination attempt!), movingly taught believers about The Cost of Discipleship, and did not back down in his criticism of the Third Reich. He was eventually captured and killed by the Gestapo, but his life inspired fellow prisoners, guards, and millions around the world. (I almost didn’t watch this movie because of the main actor’s bad hair, LOL! Don’t let that deter you! This movie, and Bonhoeffer’s book have literally changed my life.)
  • Possum Trot: The Sound of Hope
    • A true story about “twenty-two families from a rural Black church [who] adopt seventy-seven kids from the foster system.” These people are doing God’s work, and the film makes you seriously consider fostering/adoption. Their belief that we are responsible for all of our community’s children, rings true. This show illustrates the hard and tragic times as well as warm and fuzzy times. Again, this movie is life changing.
  • Cabrini
    • Another true story: an Italian nun named Francesca Cabrini takes on not only the Pope, but also her chronic and life threatening illness, and the political machine in New York City that is determined to drive her and the orphans she is taking care of out of New York- even if they have to commit arson, theft, and murder. “We can serve our weakness or we can serve our purpose.” She was truly incredible and larger than life!

Click to watch for Free!

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