Character Trait of the Month: Individual Worth #1
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It’s Individual Worth month, and I’ve got some great resources for you to share with your family about loving ourselves and others better.
Individual Worth For Kids
1. You are Special, by Max Lucado
This book is a fabulous parable with a reminder that our Maker made us the way we are for a reason- and that we should value ourselves and not worry about what other people think of us. SO GREAT!
2. Wonder, by R. J. Palacio
I can’t believe I haven’t written about this book sooner! It’s a fairly well known book, but in case you haven’t read it to your kids- run and go get it! This story focuses on Auggie, a really cool 5th grader who has facial abnormalities. The story talks about his and his family members’ viewpoints, and how the kids at his new school treat him. I love this, because it helps kids feel the awkwardness, the being alone-ness, the relief of having a friend…it teaches empathy and thoughtfulness. Here’s a link to the recently released movie.
I also really love Auggie and Me, which is a companion book to Wonder. It tells the viewpoints of the bully, and other kids that we learn about in Wonder. It shows that things aren’t always as they seem.
3. Special Books for Special Kids
Chris is a former special needs teacher, who has a passion for helping the world see into the hearts of the special people he meets. He interviews people with cranial-facial differences, people who struggle with mental health, people who are non-verbal, and much more. This is seriously one of my absolute favorite channels on Youtube, and it will change your family. The story of “Wonder” would be much different, if the (admittedly fictional) students in that book had access to this channel. I love the way this channel affects both me and my kids.
Individual WOrth for Teens
4. Temple Grandin
I love this movie. I adore it. It does SUCH a great job of showing the value that people that have autism can bring to the world. It also explains some triggers they have that we may not recognize. Love, love, love. Here is my full review.
Parent notes: (Just so you are aware of potential parts of the movie that your family may feel uncomfortable with.) This does have one situation that is innocent but misunderstood, and people think there is something sexual happening. Also, there is a situation where male co-workers put bull testicles all over Temple’s vehicle in a hazing incident.)
5. Beauty Redefined
This organization is amazing. It is run by two twin sisters who have struggled with body image in the past, but now have their PhDs focusing on body image and media. Their motto is “You are more than a body. See more. Be more.” They teach body love through recognizing that our bodies are instruments, not merely ornaments. This has NOTHING to do with diet and exercise. It focuses on being amazed at all the wonderful things our bodies do and valuing our body beyond it’s appearance.
This resource will take more effort to use than just a book or movie, but I highly recommend taking the time to dig through their blog and Instagram or attend an event. This is really great for teens, especially girls. Heck, it is super good for me!
Individual Worth For Adults
6. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife, Ph.D
This woman is fantastic. She is a relationship and sexuality counselor (keep reading, this isn’t weird- I promise!) She focuses on relationships and how the way we view ourselves, our spouse, and the culture we grow up in, impacts our intimate relationships.
I have learned so much about myself, my worth and how my various needs (sexual or not) are valid and should be heard. This is about way more than sex.I highly recommend her courses but here are the articles she has written and the podcasts she has been a guest on, so you can learn more about what she does.
7. Purpose of Life
Wow, will this short Youtube video give you a gut check with how you view others and how you are using your life! I love how it reminds us to really SEE people on the fringes of society, not just merely glaze right past them. The man featured in this video is my hero. This is great to share with teens also.
I’d love to hear what you think about these resources and how you use them in your family, so please comment below! Also, if you have other resources you think would be great this month, please share!